Wednesday, January 9, 2008

10-2 Questions

P. 249

1. Name the main events of the cell cycle
- The main events are, a cell grows, prepares for division, divides to form two daughter cells, then begins all over again.

2. Describe what happens in each of the four phases of the cell cycle
- Prophase: Chromosomes become visible and centrioles move to oppsite sides of the nucleus.
- metaphase: Chromosomes line up across centerof the cell and microtubles connect the and centromere of each chromsome to the spindle.
- Anaphase: Centromeres separate and the sister chromatids separate and become individual chromosomes.
- Telophase: Chromosomes diperse into a tangle of material and a nuclear envelope re-forms around each cluster of chromosomes.

3. Describe what happens during interphase.
- The life of a cell as one cell division after another seperated by and in between period of growth.

4. What are chromosomes made of?
- They are made of two sister pair chromatids attached to an area called the centromere.

5. How do prokaryote cells divide?
- Just a simple dividing the cell into two parts.

6. How is cytokinesis in plant cells similar to cytokinesis in animal cells? How is it different?
- In an animal, the cell membrane moves inward until it pinches the cytoplasm off and in animal cells a cell plate is formed in the middle.

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