Wednesday, January 9, 2008

10-3 Questions

P. 252

1. What chemicals regulate the cell cycle? How do they work?
- Cyclins regulate the timimg of the cell cycle.

2. What happens when cells do not respond to the signals that normally regulate their growth?
- Cancer cells do not respond and they form masses of tumors that can damage the surrounding tissues.

3. How do cells respond to contact with other cells?
- The could disrupt normal activities if cancer cells mix in.

4. Why can cancer be considered a disease of the cell cycle?
- The control over the cell cycle is broken down, they don't respond to external regulators, and some stop producing internal regulators.

5. Write a hypothesis about what you would think if cyclin were injected nto a cell that was in mitosis.
- If cyclin were to be injected into a cell already in mitosis, then the cell will be caused to over regulate and cause a disruption to mitosis.

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